Why do Kids need Check-Ups and VACCINES?

As Board Certified Pediatricans who practice evidence based medicine, we are deeply grateful for the years of research that have led to the development of effective vaccines, which have significantly reduced the prevalence of life-threatening diseases. Vaccination is essential for protecting your child’s health, preventing the spread of illness, and ensuring the well-being of the broader community.


Well Child Check-ups start at birth and continue until 18 years old. See schedule and vaccines needed below:

  • Newborn: 1st week            
  • Newborn: 2nd week
  • 2 months 
  • 4 months
  • 6 months 
  • 9 months 
  • 12 month
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months
  • 30 months
  • 3-18 years (Every year after their birthday.)

What Vaccines Does My Child Need?

At Star Pediatric Group we value the importance of vaccinations in prevention of disease and illness.  The following schedule shows the recommended ages for routine childhood vaccinations.  Help your child stay updated and lead a long and healthy life!  

2 Months

  1. PEDIARIX #1 (Dtap/Hepatitis B/IPV)
  2. HIB #1 (Meningitis)
  3. PCV-13 #1 (pneumococcal)
  4. ROTAVIRUS #1 (oral vaccine)
DTAP= diptheria, tentanus and acellular pertussis 

4 Months

  1. PEDIARIX #2 (Dtap/Hepatitis B/IPV)
  2. HIB #2 (Meningitis)
  3. PCV-13  #2 (pneumococcal)
  4. ROTAVIRUS #2  (oral vaccine)

6 Months

  1. PEDIARIX #3 (Dtap/Hepatitis B/IPV)
  2. HIB #3 (Meningitis)
  3. PCV-13 #3 (pneumococcal)
  4. ROTAVIRUS #3 (oral vaccine)

9 Months

        Flu Vaccine (Influenza) -Recommended for all children > 6 months during flu season.

12 Months

  1. MMRV #1 (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella)
  2. Hepatitis A#1
  3. PCV 13 #4  (pneumococcal)

15 Months

  1. Dtap #4- Hib #4

18 Months

  1. Hepatitis A#2

2-3 Years

         Catch up vaccinations if behind

4-5 Years

  1. Kinrix (Dtap #5/ IPV #4)
  2. MMRV#2 (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella

11-12 Years

  1.  Tdap booster (Tetanus, diptheria, whooping cough) 

         2. Menveo #1 (Meningitis)

        3. HPV #1 (human papillomavirus)

16-18 Years

  1. HPV#2 if not already done. 
  2. Bexero #1 and #2 (Meningitis B
  3. Menveo (Meningitis A,C,W135,Y)